
Practically Perfect PA newsletter

Handle confidential documents with care

Published about 2 months ago • 4 min read

Wednesday, 1st May 2024

What is inspiring us this week?

Hey Reader

Happy May 1st! We are well into quarter two of 2024 and have a lot planned for our fabulous community of Assistants. This week, we delve into a challenge that many of us face on a daily basis — maintaining confidentiality in a gossipy office.

Navigating office chatter while protecting sensitive information is a balancing act, and we're here to provide practical tips and expert advice to uphold discretion without compromise.

We are super excited that we are just a few weeks away from our next Virtual Summit - The Efficiency in Action Virtual Summit. This Summit is designed to enhance your skills in achieving peak productivity. Learn how to get your work done quickly and effectively, and discover strategies that top professionals use to stay ahead in this fast-paced world.

We are looking forward to another productive month together!

Nicky Christmas

Founder of Practically Perfect PA and The EA Campus

Tips and Tricks

Balancing confidence and relationship building

  1. Know where to draw the line between friendly conversations and inappropriate discussions. It's essential to stay neutral, especially when conversations start to veer into personal or sensitive topics. If you sense the conversation is shifting towards gossip, tactfully change the subject or excuse yourself from the discussion. This sets a professional example and subtly reinforces your stance against gossip.
  2. Always ensure that confidential documents are handled with the utmost care. Use secure methods for storing and sharing information, such as encrypted emails, secure cloud storage, and locked filing cabinets. Be mindful of your surroundings when discussing sensitive information, especially at home, where family members or roommates might inadvertently overhear.
  3. Encourage a culture of positive gossip, focusing on achievements, professional growth, and constructive feedback. Share stories that highlight your colleagues' strengths and successes. This not only helps counteract the negative impacts of gossip but also helps build a supportive team environment.
  4. When working from home, maintain a professional demeanour in all communications. Be cautious about what you post on social media or share in online chats, even in seemingly private settings. Gossip can quickly spread through digital channels, potentially reaching unintended audiences. Always assume that anything shared online could become public.

What to expect:​

💰 Prices Start From : £60 | USD75 | AUD120 | €70

🌐 Location: Online, from the comfort of your home or office at a convenient time.

🤝 Networking Opportunities: Connect with other Assistants from all over the world

🗓 The Programme Includes:

  • How Stress Affects Effectiveness
  • Prioritising Self-Care for Assistants
  • Good Minute-Taking
  • The Power of Productive Rest
  • Time-Saving Tips, Executive Efficiency, and Inbox Mastery in 25 Minutes
  • How to Level up as an EA
  • Accelerate Your Career with Effective Meetings

New Articles

Strategically Managing Your Executive's Time

As an Assistant, one of your primary responsibilities is to help your Executive manage their time strategically. This is a crucial part of the role and can be quite time-consuming. However, when done effectively, it adds an incredible amount of value. You can ensure that your Executive is on task, attending the right meetings, and spending their time on the most important activities. This not only helps them be more productive at work but also gives them time to plan, spend time with their family, and pursue their passions outside of work. In this article, we will explore tactics you can use to strategically manage your Executive's time. Read More>>>

The Partnership Model: Building a Strategic Business Partnership

We all know how fast-paced our world is today. It is non-stop. Our Executives have so little time to dedicate to anything outside the never-ending hamster wheel of meetings and deadlines. We know this because, as Assistants, we manage their schedules and try to keep them on track, build in downtime, and ensure they have a lunch break at some point! As a result, it can be challenging for Executives to invest time and energy into building a strategic partnership with their Assistants. Read More>>>

Your complete guide to organising successful events: Over 45 digital downloads at your fingertips!

The digital materials provided in this bundle will equip you with the skills and strategies needed to excel in event planning and execution.

Join The EA Campus

Have you checked out The EA Campus yet? It's been totally revamped, and it's cooler than ever. Perfect for Assistants looking to level up without the stuffiness, it's your secret weapon to becoming an even more awesome EA. And guess what? You can give it a whirl for free for a whole month. Dive into our content and expert-led workshops and meet some fantastic people who understand your daily grind.

Our Tech Partners

Why do we love Notion?

Notion is the Swiss Army knife of productivity tools. It combines note-taking, task management, databases, and calendars all in one place. Imagine having all your project details, to-do lists, and meeting notes living harmoniously in one app. It's like having a tidy desk 24/7!

In our role, we're always on the go, and having access to our work from anywhere is crucial. With Notion's mobile app, your workspace is as mobile as you are. Whether in a cab, at a coffee shop, or working from home, your work is just a tap away. We love it!

video preview


Step Up and Be Heard in Meetings

This video delves into the concept of "leaning in" and overcoming internal fears to achieve your goals. Join us as we explore how to step up, gain personal impact, and overcome internal barriers that hold us back.


Listen to The EA Campus Podcast

Have you listened to the latest episode of The EA Campus podcast yet?

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Our Courses

The Confident Communicator

Understand and Master Workplace Communication

We're here to elevate your communication game. Whether drafting impeccable emails, managing complex schedules, or negotiating on behalf of your team, The Confident Communicator online course is designed with your unique challenges in mind.


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