
Practically Perfect PA newsletter

Top skills every Assistant needs to succeed

Published 12 months ago • 5 min read

Wednesday, 28th June 2023

What is inspiring us this week?

Hey Reader

Welcome to this week's edition of our newsletter, where we dive into a topic essential for every Assistant's success: the top skills you need to thrive in your role.

As the role of an Assistant continues to evolve and expand, it is crucial to stay ahead of the curve and equip ourselves with the necessary skills to excel.

But before we delve into that, we want to remind you that today is your last chance to secure your tickets for the highly anticipated Technology and Tools Virtual Summit, which is taking place tomorrow.

Additionally, we have an exciting offer for our Strategic Business Partner course in July, and our popular bitesize courses are discounted for June. So let's dive in and discover the skills that will set you apart in today's workplace.

Nicky Christmas

Founder of Practically Perfect PA and The EA Campus

Tips and Tricks

Building your key skills

Sharpen Communication Skills: Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful Assistant. Hone your written and verbal communication skills to convey information concisely and professionally. Practice active listening, ask clarifying questions, and adapt your communication style to suit different stakeholders. Being an exceptional communicator will enable you to build strong relationships, collaborate effectively, and anticipate and fulfil the needs of your colleagues and Executives.

Master Time Management: Time is a precious resource for Assistants who often juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities. Cultivate excellent time management skills by prioritising tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and using productivity tools or techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique. Streamline your workflows, delegate when appropriate, and learn to say "no" to non-essential tasks that can hinder productivity. By mastering time management, you'll become a reliable and efficient Assistant.

Develop Technological Fluency: In today's digital era, Assistants must be proficient in utilising various technological tools and platforms. Familiarise yourself with productivity software, project management tools, communication platforms, and other relevant technologies. Explore automation options to streamline repetitive tasks and improve efficiency. Continuously adapt to new technologies and stay updated on emerging tools to enhance your effectiveness as an Assistant.

Cultivate Adaptability and Flexibility: The role of an Assistant is dynamic, often requiring quick thinking and adaptability in the face of changing circumstances. Cultivate a flexible mindset and embrace change as an opportunity for growth. Step out of your comfort zone and tackle new challenges head-on. Adaptability allows you to pivot seamlessly, handle unexpected situations, and support your team and Executives effectively, even in uncertain or high-pressure scenarios.


Join the Technology and Tools Virtual Summit to boost your tech skills!

The Technology and Tools for Assistants Virtual Summit will be live over 24 hours. We run the Summit three times to cover as many time zones as possible, starting at 8am in Sydney | 9am in London | 12pm in New York.

Choose which time to attend to catch the live content in a timezone that best suits you. And if you can't join us live, you can catch up later.

Our best value Virtual Summits are a great learning opportunity. A day's training PLUS connecting with other Assistants for only GBP60 | USD70 | AUD102 | EUR70.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your tech skills, stay ahead of the curve, and propel your career as an assistant. Join us at the Technology and Tools for Assistants Virtual Summit.

New Articles

Creating more autonomy around your work

In today's fast-paced work environment, Assistants often juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities while supporting their Executives and teams. While assisting others is essential, creating autonomy around your work and taking credit for your achievements are equally crucial. Read more>>>

Managing communication with multiple Executives

Working with multiple Executives can be challenging for Assistants, especially when managing communication and ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. With competing priorities and deadlines, it's essential to establish effective systems and strategies to keep everyone informed and work efficiently. Read more>>>


Join our next Webinar

Improving your decision making

Decision-making is an essential skill for Assistants to master. In this Webinar, Nicky Christmas will share six tactics that Assistants can learn to help them make strategic decisions. Join us for our free Webinar on Friday 21st July at 9.30am EDT / 2.30pm BST.


Elevate your skills with our bite-size courses and exclusive 15% discount!

We understand that as an Assistant, your schedule is packed, and time is a luxury. That's why we have designed our Practically Perfect PA Bite-Size courses exclusively for busy professionals like you!

Use the code BITESIZE15 during the checkout process to apply the discount. The discount ends on 30th June 2023. Don't miss this cost-effective opportunity to upskill and elevate your Assistant capabilities!

video preview


Building your business acumen

Rewatch our Webinar on building business acumen. The Webinar contains invaluable insights and actionable strategies to enhance your business acumen and foster strategic thinking. Discover how to cultivate a strong and fruitful relationship with your Executive, unlocking the potential for greater collaboration and synergy.


Join our next cohort on the Strategic Business Partner Online Course

Are you ready to take your career as an Assistant to the next level? Join our exclusive cohort for the Strategic Business Partner Online Course, where you'll have the opportunity to go through the program with a group of like-minded peers and join weekly online mentoring sessions with PPPA Founder and course designer Nicky Christmas.

As a member of this cohort, you'll benefit from a supportive learning environment where you can share insights, collaborate, and build valuable connections. Start anytime in July.

Enrol before the end of July and take advantage of the discount of 30%. Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to boost your skills and advance your career with a supportive community taking every step with you! Just use SBPJULY30 in the checkout.

Online Courses

Are you looking to elevate your career as an Assistant?

Are you looking to advance your career as an Assistant? Look no further than the Assistant Mindset Online Course!

We've recently revamped the course, adding loads of new lectures, templates, cheat sheets, bonus content, and swipe files to help you take your skills to the next level.

Whether new to the role or a seasoned pro, this course is packed with actionable insights and strategies to help you excel as an Assistant.

And the best part? Use our discount code JUNE10 to get 10% off the course! Don't wait - invest in your future today.


Ep30: The EA Campus Podcast

In the next episode of the EA Campus podcast, we have the pleasure of hosting Shaun Alphonso, Executive Business Partner at Georgian, a renowned venture capital firm specialising in SaaS technology investments.

Listen to the podcast here. Or subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Have a moment? We'd love to hear more about your career

We love our Practically Perfect PA community and want to get to know you better.

Please take a few minutes to complete our survey. It will help shape everything we do for you and support you moving forward with your Assistant career.

3 Castle Court Carnegie Campus, Dunfermline, Fife KY11 8PB
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